Friday, January 14, 2011

About Gunung Bromo (Mount Bromo), East Java, Indonesia

    Mount Bromo, situated within the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, is one of the most famous attractions in East Java.  While it is one of many peaks within the Tengger Caldera, it is also its most famous - easily recognizable because entire cap has been blown off by a previous volcanic eruption.  Today, smoke is frequently seen blowing out from the top.
       Mount Bromo was traditionally visited by the Buddhist Tenggerse, who, on the fourteeth day of the month of Kasada, would gather at the rim of the active crater to present offerings to the Supreme God, Hyang Widi Wasa.  According to legend, this practice started as the King Joko Seger and Queen Roro Anteng prayed for children, and in return, promised to sacrifice the last child.  The Queen had 25 children, but refused at first to sacrifice the last child.  When threatened by the gods with fire and brimstone, the queen finally did perform the sacrifice.  As the child was being thrown into the crater, the voice of the child was heard ordering an annual ceremony to be performed at the volcano. A Hindu temple is situated at the foot of the mountain, from which 250 steps lead to the edge of the crater.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bromo Tanjung Pondok Pertanian
Dalam rangka Memperkenalkan " Kawasan Tengger-Bromo" dari segala aspek, kami buka pondok pertanian tanjung-tosari unt umum
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