Wednesday, January 12, 2011


"Peak" is the name of a mountainous tourist area that is included in the area of Bogor and Cianjur Regency. This area is very popular both for tourists both domestic and foreignThis area is known as a resting place for residents of Jakarta and the local tea plantation which was built by the Dutch Colonial Government. The beauty of this area is stunning President Soekarno, so he built a restaurant to enjoy the natural beauty of the Peak, which later was named Restaurant Riung Mt. In addition,there are also places for recreation and beautiful agro tourism,among others, Diamond Mountain and Gantole (Paragliding). At the peak area there are also many interesting attractions including the Safari Park, Flower Garden, and there is a beautiful mosque with a distinctive architecture that is simple and Atta'awun Mosque.In this area there are also lots of villas and hotels owned by local people.

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