Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lake Toba and Samosir Island, The Angel of the North Sumatra

In Sumatra there is a place that has an exotic and beautiful lake is Lake Toba, which is very alluring and attracts tourists to visit. The period of 1980, Lake Toba became the choice of the most visited tourist areas and popular, although it declined slightly in the mid-1990s, but the local government was reorganized on tour twmpat this area are beautiful and worth visiting again. In the Lake Toba or Tapanuli is hilly and generally located along the Bukit Barisan, which has characterized the western coast of Sumatra island and was very influential on the terrain is hilly and the soil surface can affect the population demographic, cultural elements and also the customs of the population.
Lake Toba is the largest lake in Indonesia and Southeast Asia which is characteristic of the island of Sumatra, especially in the middle of the lake there is an exotic island surrounded by green hills on the island of Samosir, which is very interesting, on Samosir Island Lake was there, it means There in the middle of Lake. When we visited this lake will be greeted with a very cool air, in addition to beautiful scenery around him, from the top of the hill towards Parapat, we can look at the wide water and blue as the ocean, to relax after a journey, then there are also many stalls to rest while enjoying hot coffee and beauty of the surrounding landscape, then we can enjoy Lake Toba tour with a swim or take a boat to visit the island
Samosir, Parapat we can direct the ferry that leaves every hour from the village Tomok namely a village on the island of Samosir coast village, and Tomok is one of the objectives of tourists and there is the family tomb of King Sidabutar complex and there are many old traditional houses. Lake Toba also be reached from the city of Medan with a private vehicle, rental car or public transport. Medan Parapat or pass through High Cliff and Siantar. Perhaps a path-Karo village Purba Pematang Brastagi up. The scenery along the way is no less interesting.
In terms of travel facilities in Lake Toba offers many services such as accommodation, from basic-level five-star hotels, for its own culinary attractions, there are many places to eat all different types here too Can we get memories of Lake Toba. To enjoy the natural beauty during the holidays and tourism in the region of Sumatra, Lake Toba is the ideal place to visit, natural charm of the hill overlooking the beautiful lake is an unforgettable sight.

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